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Mobile Ordering and Order Enquiries > Mobile Ordering Process - Payment
What forms of payment are accepted?

Our App accepts payment via PayMe, Google Pay, WeChat Pay, AlipayHK, Octopus, credit cards, and cash. Orders will only be prepared after payment is settled.

How do I get a refund if my transaction failed?
If the payment or transaction fails, the order amount will be refunded to your payment platform within 3 working days. If you do not receive the refund, please do not hesitate to contact us with the following information through WhatsApp or the online feedback form:

Phone Number:
Email Registered with McDonald’s App:
Inquiry/Refund Amount:

Payment Platform (Apple Pay / PayMe / AlipayHK / WeChat Pay / Google Pay / Credit Card / Octopus):
Payment Method (McDonald’s App / Cashier / Self-Ordering Kiosk):
Transaction Date and Time:
Payment Screenshot (reference number, transaction date and time should be included)

Note: Do not disclose any personal or transaction information through any means other than the above channels. The personal data you provide will only be used by McDonald’s or other companies that provide technical services, fulfill responsibilities, or provide other services for McDonald’s. The personal data collected will not be sold or transferred to third parties.

What can I do if my transaction failed but the coupon has already been redeemed?

Feel free to reach out to us through WhatsApp, the online feedback form, or private messages on McDonald’s Hong Kong’s Facebook page. Please provide your McDonald’s App registered email, and the name and screenshot of the coupon. Our Customer Relations team will follow up during office hours from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM (excluding public holidays).

How do I check my order receipt?

After placing your order, please check your order receipt in the inbox of the email registered to your McDonald’s App account.

Why can’t I find my order history in “My Recent Orders” or my email upon a successful payment?

If you do not see any records or notifications, please check your “Junk Mail” folder in your email.